Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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S, n. cocaine.
’s, abbr. an abbr. of ‘God’s’, as found in a number of oaths; see ’sblood! excl.; ’sdeath! excl.; ’sfoot! excl.; ’sheart! excl.; ’slight! excl.; ’snails! excl.; ’swounds! excl.
screaming abdabs (n.) the horrors, utter disgust, abhorrence; usu. as that gives me the screaming abdabs.
under abdabs, n.
sham Abraham Newland (v.) to forge banknotes; also as n. counterfeit banknotes.
under Abraham Newland, n.
sham abram see separate entries.
under abram, n.
slick ace (n.) a card in a crooked deck; but note cite 1928.
under ace, n.
stand ace (with) (v.) to be held in the highest esteem by someone (cf. stand ace-high under ace-high adj.).
under ace, n.
stand ace-high (v.) to be highly esteemed (cf. stand ace (with) under ace n.).
under ace-high, adj.
super acid (n.) ketamine.
under acid, n.1
stand the acid (v.) to stand up under pressure, to maintain one’s composure.
under acid, n.2
shoot the agate (v.) to walk jauntily with one’s thumbs extended.
under agate, n.
suck air (v.) see under suck v.1
under air, n.
sweet air (n.) see under sweet adj.1
under air, n.
all serene, adj. all in order, satisfactory; often as a response.
swallow the anchor (v.) 1.  to change course, to stop doing something; to accept reluctantly. 2. to give oneself up to the police.
under anchor, n.
see the big animal (v.) see see the elephant under elephant n.
under animal, n.1
simple animal (n.) a young college girl.
under animal, n.1
sad apple (n.) 1.  a contemptible person. 2. a pitiable person.
under apple, n.1
smart apple (n.) a bright, intelligent person.
under apple, n.1
square apple (n.) 1.  an innocent, a naïve, gullible individual. 2. a police officer or private indiidual who is not susceptible to corruption.
under apple, n.1
smell of the barman’s apron (n.) 1. usu. used derog., a nugatory amount of drink, but enough to intoxicate a light drinker; also as v.; thus extrapolation in cit. 1922. 2. in fig. use of sense 1, a minuscule amount.
under apron, n.
see (someone’s) arse for dust a phr. used to describe a speedy departure.
under arse, n.
sweat one’s arse off see under sweat v.2
under arse, n.
shove it up your arse! see separate entry.
under arse, n.
stupid as arseholes (adj.) extremely stupid.
under arsehole, n.
save one’s ass to take care of oneself, to save oneself; esp. in phr. couldn’t — to save one’s ass.
under ass, n.
shake one’s ass 1.  to hurry up. 2.  to move vigorously as in sexual intercourse or dancing.
under ass, n.
shove a foot up someone’s ass see put one’s foot in/up someone’s ass under ass n.
under ass, n.
show one’s ass to appear foolish; to show off, to make an exhibition of oneself.
under ass, n.
sit there with one’s finger up one’s ass to be passive, unresponsive, idle and useless; often abbr. to with one’s finger/thumb up one’s ass.
under ass, n.
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